Thursday, October 11, 2012

consider both sides...

I have a lot of respect for any individual- regardless of political affiliation- who runs for office. It is not easy to put who you are, your family and everything you have ever done on a chopping block for all to see and criticize. It take a huge amount of confidence and gumption to out yourself out there and say, “yes, I can lead you.”

To that end, though, I do have experience where it relates to being involved in an election. And whenever I tune in to political commentary and debate, my experience always comes in to play.

And I guess what I think overall is the ultimate message of this particular blog.

Yes, I certainly do have my political beliefs. And I would be willing to bet that most people that follow my Facebook or blog can probably guess to which party I align. However, that aside, I still have some thoughts that transcend that altogether.

I see an increasing trend of people on both sides of the political spectrum that spew hate for the opposition. For a great number of conservatives today it is Obama; they act as if his mere presence as a president is offensive. For liberals, the acknowledgement of Romney as a presidential candidate is akin to an endorsement of Hitler for president. To each side I say: you are wrong.

In 2008, Obama ran a campaign against Senator McCain and won. Fair and square. And he did so outside of a contestable margin. He won by an arguable landslide. McCain, as the revered veteran and POW would not have conceded the victory had that not been the case. Yet a great number of conservative act as if he held McCain at gunpoint and stole it from his grasp.

In fact, the last presidency that incurred a contestable result was the election of 2004 between George W. Bush and Al Gore. That election was decided by the Supreme Court. And the man that took office for the following 4 years was NOT the winner of the popular vote (as it were). That is not what happened between Obama and McCain. The win was definitive and it went to Obama.

With the same token, certain liberals act as if Romney somehow defied some kind of human test or ability and is now forcing his way onto the GOP ticket. Some liberals act as if they are almost offended by his presence…however, we all know they would act that way about any GOP candidate. But Romney was appointed the candidate of his party after strong an indisputable performance in the primaries. His chance to challenge the incumbent was earned, not taken.

Bottom line—both side of the political spectrum regard opposing candidates as thieves of political opportunity. And that is total crap.

When I was in high school, I was heavily involved in student council. At my high school, membership on that council depended entirely upon student votes. I was first elected by my class and then again my sophomore year. The following year, I was elected by the student body and that same result was repeated my senior year. I never ran unopposed—like a GREAT number of my colleagues did—and I won those elections fair and square. By my senior year, I had held office as a class vice-president, class president, student body secretary and finally, student body president. And I won definitively every year. Each and every time. However, I still had my critics. I still dealt with those mutterings behind my back about things being, “rigged,” or the favorable outcome coming as a result of my father’s employment at my high school. I assure you, as a close confidant of the administrator in charge of student elections, that was never close to the truth. Yet, I dealt with those doubters from the beginning to the end of each of offices I ever held.

So, I guess skepticism and doubt are a part of the process. I get that.

But what I do not get is the hatred. And I mean what I say when I use the word ‘hatred’.

The beauty of the American way is democracy. And democracy means that whoever wants to run for political office can do so.  And that, regardless of the electoral college and the inherent flaws therein, that the person most wanted for the job gets it.

However, individuals from both the Left and the Right treat opposing candidates like absconding thieves! And that is completely ridiculous!

Obama won the election in 2008 fair and square. Regardless of the job you think he has done since then, he earned the right to be the president in the meantime. With the same token, Romney EARNED the right to challenge Obama for the presidency; he earned the nomination FAIR AND SQUARE.

At this point, we have a FAIR fight on our hands; to the same degree I waged a fair fight on my opponents in high school. Disagreement on fundamental issues does not make someone undeserving of the right to fight for the opportunity to make it right.

Democracy has empowered our leaders—liked or not—to fix the issues that ail our country. And for me, I sincerely hope the best man wins. We all want and deserve a better tomorrow and I am hoping our leaders—or those that desire to be so--- will deliver that result.

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