Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pissy Pants Nancy's

I am highly annoyed. Nay, angered. Actually, more disappointed? I am not sure actually which one of those is my current dominant emotion, but the mix of all there has incited a HUGE desire for me to smack someone across the face.

Truth: The world we live in is a crap shoot. People lie, people steal, people cheat and people kill. They do it here, they do it there, and it happens in every age group spanning from the adolescent to the elderly. There I said it. I ACKNOWLEDGE that there are bad things and bad people out there. A healthy amount (key word being HEALTHY) of skepticism in this world is a good thing; I am not suggesting that it is heartless or unfair because, like I said, there are bad things and bad people in this world.

HOWEVER, when it gets to a point that you cannot seem to take ANYTHING ANYONE DOES and see the value and the legitimacy to it WITHOUT feeling compelled to tear it a part, you have a problem. That is NOT healthy skepticism. I don't know what the intelligent word for that is. Negativity is too benign and assholery is not a word.

I don't give a shit if you knew about or cared about the children of Uganda before yesterday. I don't care if you have other issues you think are more important or think the U.S. needs to focus on fixing it's own problems before trying to solve everyone else's. That fine. Having a different OPINION about these things is completely acceptable. This is, of course, America, and you are entitled to your own opinion. And unfortunately for me and everyone else with a Facebook and Twitter account, I am subjected to your one-sided, ill-informed and overly controverted rants on a daily basis.

Here is what I don't understand:

When someone takes up a cause that really is unequivocally something that is right and good, why do people feel it necessary to go OUT OF THEIR WAY to tear it apart? And if they can't find flagrant mistruths or propaganda, revert to overly questioning and underminding an individual's motives? AND THEN, proceed to make flip statements that what this person wants to do is wrong, unintelligible, or misguided.


To reiterate, I good sense of healthy skipticism is not a bad thing, but being a bully is. The man behind Kony 2012 is a man who did work in Africa who gained FIRSTHAND KNOWLEDGE of what was going on...and he tried to do something about it. Then he had a son. He became a parent. He received a wonderful gift that gave him unimaginable understanding of how devestating the situation in Uganda is. So his work became his life's mission and he wants to do something to help those children because he cannot imagine his own son meeting that same fate.

And all a bunch of whiney, pissant individuals want to tear him apart like he is Adolf Hitler and is promoting the tenets of the Third Reich. Going as far as to say that all of the people he has reached that DO want to do something about it now, have no RIGHT to care because they can't pick Uganda off of a map.

Well, to you I say: get your eyes and your ears checked, my friend. This man's mission isn't about geography, it's about right and wrong. It's about human DECENCY. This man wants to give these children a life and a chance to enjoy the same freedom AND maybe even some day, the same anonymity you have sitting on your mom's couch in your underwear posulatiing on how astupid everyone else in this world is. Any human being (SUCH AS YOURSELF, may I remind you) that had the luxury and great fortune to be born into a world where they didn't have to worry about being raped, forced into a military before the age of 10, or watched their parents or siblings murdered right in front of them, SHOULD CARE about those that do not have the same fortune. And that is ALL this man is trying to do.

And you sit there and pick him apart like his mission is a lie and he is a monster. Today, I do not understand YOU. If I am some giant, collosal moron for deciding to donate to and care about this very worthwhile cause because I was insipired by one man's passion and bravery, then feel free to call my village and report that they have a new idiot in town.


  1. You misspelled colossal...just saying. Also, I think you should introduce your followers to your thoughts on Prussian you!!
