Monday, January 30, 2012

The Bachelor makes me want to kill myself...

I generally do not make it a habit to watch crappy reality TV. Let me be clear-- there are a few reality television shows I watch that I do not consider to be crap. Top Chef, Intervention and Diner, Drive-Ins and Dives. I am not sure if you would consider those all reality television shows, but in the sense that they do not have a script and feature real things happening to real people, I think they qualify.

However, there is a segment of reality television that is an absolute load of crap. And the ring leader of that circus from hell is The freaking Bachelor. I remember when the first season came on TV 10 years ago and I was caught up, I will admit it. I was also 16 years old, had never been on a date let alone been in a relationship, and had every single one of those starry-eyed fantasies in my head about soul mates and fairy tales. I have since grown up, and while I don't have some bitter and jaded viewpoint on how love is a crapshoot and not worth my time, I am still in touch with reality, and The Bachelor is FAR from falling into that category. It is the definition of a shit show. It is no better than the Real World/Road Rules Inferno Gauntlet Tsunami Challenge's of yesteryear.

Surely you are asking yourself by now, why in the hell I decided to watch The Bachelor. Well, one of the contestants was in a student organization I was in in college, and I finally succumbed to morbid curiosity. She is, by FAR the classiest and most well-grounded contestant on that show. And I am not saying that because I know her. Hell, if I walked up and slapped her on the ass, she would most likely have no idea who I was (so long as I did not assault her in a Maggies' t-shirt). But she was then and still is a very beautiful and classy woman... even despite the Bachelor's efforts to futilely prove otherwise.

But I guess, essentially, here is the crux of what I do NOT understand about people who watch and individuals who tryout to be a contestant on one of those faux-dating shows: how can you possibly take it seriously? Certainly I am smart enough to know that some people do it for an unlikley opportunity at fame, but it is clear that some of those individuals truly do believe love is waiting for them amidst 24 other physically fit, perfectly tanned and over groomed vultures who are ready to their head up...but they saddle up anyway. I don't get it.

Save Trista and Ryan from the first season of The Bachelorette, every single one of the other Bachelors/Bachelorettes on record HAVE NOT FOUND A RELATIONSHIP THAT HAS LASTED. And gee, I cannot imagine why in the hell not. Sure, it is normal to take 25 women to an exotic location, pump them full of alcohol, ignite and fuel as many conflicts as possible, and literally after a chick fight (verbal, physical or otherwise) worthy of a Jerry Springer episode, the bumbling and monolithic Bachelor ultimately picks the woman he wants to, at least for the foreseeable future when they are both getting paid by the network and soaking up their 15-minutes of fame, spend the rest of his life with.


That is not real life and not JUST because they are "dating" in Puerto Rico. It is not real life because compatibility and ultimate longevity takes experiencing REAL life and REAL life problems...a long side the googly-eyes and the butterflies. It is easy to let things roll off your back and be on your best behavior when you know you every move is being watched by millions. But when the cameras are packed up and moved to the next shit show Bachelor destination, you are left to really deal with one another when the champagne ISN'T a-flowing and someone ISN'T paying for your afternoon yacht cruise. And you cannot tell me that people don't continue to watch that show and believe the fairy tale; if people didn't, it wouldn't still be on the air, though the tactics ABC uses to make it as predictable as ever are more blatant than the season that preceded it.

And the thing that ultimately disgusts me the most is that there really do seem to be women, like my collegiate comrade, who are genuinely kind and internally beautiful individuals, but that show does NOT paint them in the best light. Heaven forbid you be the person ABC sees as the perfect villainess, because from that point on, they are going to make sure to put you in situations to come across that way even if it is NOT your personality. And they also choose to throw in the mix the crazy and arguably trashy girls just to stir up conflict. And these women fall into the stereotype traps every. single. time. And each year, the traps get larger and larger. And women come across trashier and trashier.

At the end of the day, though, I know why this show still exists; I teach mass media trends every single day. So on a logical level, I understand why ABC keeps coming to the table... I just wish I understood why everyone else does. For my money, I'd rather watch women try to find love at a monster truck rally.

Oh wait, I forgot about Rock of Love.

1 comment:

  1. AGREED. And I won't even start my rant on how this is all leading up to a (hopeful) proposal at the end. Because, you know, marriage is definitely something you should consider for an entire 25 days (not one of those where the "bride" is completely sober). Great post!
