Wednesday, May 9, 2012

let the gays get married. seriously.

I am speechless right now. The only indicator of the true depth of my disappointment and fury is the knot I have growing in my stomach.

This link will take you to a page where a site has compiled the Facebook statuses of individuals in praise of the outcome of yesterday's Amendment 1 vote in North Carolina. I read every single one of them. And here I sit literally unsure of where to begin because I have so much to say on the subject.

I am a straight, white, Christian woman who went to over twelve years of Catholic school. I learned that abortion was wrong probably before I learned how to write and spell my name, and was constantly reminded of "right" and "wrong" and how God would want me to live my life. In some ways, I have done a good job in that department; in other ways, I have failed miserably. Over and Over again. I am an imperfect person who has sinned everyday in my past and will continue to sin everyday in my future. This is as true of me as it is of every other human being walking this earth.

The majority of the statuses I read on that website made mention of the action of homosexuality being a sin and even one lesser hateful individual said that, "God loves the sinner but hates the sin." Well, then, is that not true of each and every one of us who lies, cheats, steals, covets our neighbor's wife or TV, curses, misses church and puts other things in our lives ahead of God? Where are the laws that are getting passed (or being voted out) that prohibit the proposed behavior of the sinner? Because it is God's way? Or is or is not mentioned in the bible?

By that logic, it is fair to say that God may love a murdered, but hates murder; why are guns legal? God loves his children, but just about any Christian denomination would argue that he does not like divorce; why is divorce legal? Does the bible not say turn the other cheek? Does the bible not say, "Thou shall not kill?" Yet states in this union EXECUTE their imprisoned and fetuses are ripped from their mother's wombs, yet where is everyone decrying the existences of those institutions in accordance with biblical teaching? No one is, not really. Because arguments against gay marriage are self serving, ridiculously prostrated by God and possibly the most close-minded concept since "separate but equal".

At the end of the day, how does someone else's differing life choices devalue your own? They don't unless you let them. I don't agree with Scientology; I think the entire "religion" and those that blindly follow it are absurd. However, their loyalty to their faith does not undermine that of my own to my religion. Or lack thereof. Their blind allegiance does not infringe on my life or my values. To each their own; that is their business.

How do to members of the same sex pledging love, life and a commitment to each other take away from your heterosexual union? HOW? You can use the bible as a shield and God as an excuse, but no one has yet offered a legitimate answer to that question.

This country is so quick to look at the lives and value systems of people in other countries and determine that their way of life is wrong or unjust. And in all of those situations, various segments of society are being persecuted in one way or another. In the middle east, women are second class citizens and in the Sudan, an entire civilization is being wiped out. And while Americans here at home haven't taken to the streets with guns and bombs to eradicate homosexuality, their refusal to bestow upon those members of society the same civil rights all other citizens of this country behold comes from the exact same sentiment-- their belief that these people are unworthy and undeserving of such inalienable rights.
Forgive me, but does the bible also not say that we are all God's children? And that ultimate judgement of a person comes from the Father himself? Why is it we can deny a gay man or woman's right to marriage as an infringement on morality, yet manage to violate that same ideology while doing it?

All I can think of, because I think it is pretty obvious to this point that I DO NOT get this hatred and judgemental argument, is that these people that blindly vote to support a prejudicial law and blatant civil rights violation, do not know a gay man or woman. Have not seen a gay man or woman in a loving, committed relationship. I would like to believe that their ignorance comes from not actually knowing any men or women who are affected by these laws.

Because I do. And I know a lot of them. A man I respect up there with some of the best teachers and professors I have ever had is a proudly open gay man. He taught me how to have an open mind, bestow unwavering acceptance and always operate with an awareness of how words and actions can suggest something to others you might not really mean. From him, I became a better person. From him, I learned how to love greater. To him, I am eternally grateful.

And this man loves someone who he can't make a lifelong commitment to. And not because he doesn't want to; because he can't. Denying them this right is akin to denying them a right to drive. What if you were not allowed to drive because your fellow citizens voted that you, because you disagree with the bible, don't deserve the right to drive. Sound absurd?


And seriously, Adam and Steve? It's not funny now, it wasn't funny then and really, it the most over-played, not funny, homophobic epithet I've ever heard. If you insist on being a judgemental prick, at least get some better material.

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